Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's been awhile since I blogged last, but we've been busy! Whew!
The kids are doing really well in school! They are having fun making new friends and love their new classes! Andrew gets to go to all-day kindergarten and loves it! He also loves doing homework, can you believe it? Sometimes when he doesn't have any, he asks for some..hehe. So, we make up little word and writing exercises for him to do, and he does it, and asks for more! Hope his love for homework stays this way for awhile!
As for me, next week begins the "Looking for Work" chapter. Fun fun! I'm finally getting over being sick (was sick for about a week...horrible sore throat for about 5 days..ugg), thank goodness. Things are going well and we are very happy!!

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

We Have Arrived!

Well, we made it! We are here in Georgia now!

The flight wasn't too bad. The kids did excellent! Thank goodness for free inflight TV programs...more specifically..THANK YOU CARTOON NETWORK! lol I was even complimented on how well they behaved. They were so excited though, so I'm sure that helped!

We took the kids to register for school yesterday (Monday). The secretary that helped us asked if we wanted them to start today (It was already 12:30pm). I was a little bewildered, lol. So they started this morning. We'll be driving them to and from the rest of the week just so they get used to going to the school and learn where their classrooms are, and then Monday morning they start taking the bus! And they are very excited about that too! Mommy is a little nervous, but I'm sure I will survive too. :P

The weather down here has been very warm. It was near 70 yesterday, and will 74 today. Yesterday Gracie asked us "Isn't it supposed to be cold in January? I thought it was supposed to be cold!" We had to giggle at that. They have been doing well.

Other than that, its been the basic putting-stuff-where-it-belongs-or-find-a-new-home-for-it type of thing around here.

We miss and love everyone!

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

A New Beginning!

My new life adventure begins in Georgia in just 9 days! I'm so excited!!!

My plan in creating this blog is so family from miles away can view pictures of the kids, myself and Brian, and read how we are doing and what we are up to!

I will miss my family so much.